Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Southwestern China

The Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Southwestern China (西南剿匪) was a counterinsurgency campaign waged by the forces of the Communist Party of China against the Chinese Nationalist guerrillas, mostly consisting of bandits and regular nationalist forces not withdrawn from mainland China during the transfer of the nationalist government to Taiwan. The campaign occurred after the conclusion of World War II during the Chinese Civil War in Southwestern China. The Communist counterinsurgency campaign was ultimately successful.

Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Southwestern China

The Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Southwestern China (西南剿匪) was a counterinsurgency campaign waged by the forces of the Communist Party of China against the Chinese Nationalist guerrillas, mostly consisting of bandits and regular nationalist forces not withdrawn from mainland China during the transfer of the nationalist government to Taiwan. The campaign occurred after the conclusion of World War II during the Chinese Civil War in Southwestern China. The Communist counterinsurgency campaign was ultimately successful.