Canon Punch Park

Canon Punch Park is a park in Limerick, Ireland developed in 1957, when the City Board bought a field adjacent to Hyde Road from Limerick Corporation (Limerick City Council) and CIE. They named the new park after the colourful President of the County Board, Canon Edward Punch. In the 34 years that the grounds were in ownership of the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), there were a litany of problems ranging from vandalism, to unsuitable soil, to clubs not wanting to play there because they had developed fields of their own.

Canon Punch Park

Canon Punch Park is a park in Limerick, Ireland developed in 1957, when the City Board bought a field adjacent to Hyde Road from Limerick Corporation (Limerick City Council) and CIE. They named the new park after the colourful President of the County Board, Canon Edward Punch. In the 34 years that the grounds were in ownership of the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), there were a litany of problems ranging from vandalism, to unsuitable soil, to clubs not wanting to play there because they had developed fields of their own.