Capt. Seth Chandler House

The Capt. Seth Chandler House is an historic house at 55 Converse Street in the East Woodstock section of Woodstock, Connecticut. It is a two story wood frame structure, with an unusual form and floor plan for its c. 1760 construction date. Its large chimney, instead of being centrally located, is set well back from the main roof ridge. The interior layout is consistent with a typical south-facing colonial house of the period, with a narrow winding stair on the south side of the chimney, and public rooms on either side. However, the roof gable (which would normally run east-west in such a configuration) runs north-south, and the main entrance, facing west in a three-bay gable end facade, opens into the southern parlor. A single-story ell is attached to the rear; it was added later in the 1

Capt. Seth Chandler House

The Capt. Seth Chandler House is an historic house at 55 Converse Street in the East Woodstock section of Woodstock, Connecticut. It is a two story wood frame structure, with an unusual form and floor plan for its c. 1760 construction date. Its large chimney, instead of being centrally located, is set well back from the main roof ridge. The interior layout is consistent with a typical south-facing colonial house of the period, with a narrow winding stair on the south side of the chimney, and public rooms on either side. However, the roof gable (which would normally run east-west in such a configuration) runs north-south, and the main entrance, facing west in a three-bay gable end facade, opens into the southern parlor. A single-story ell is attached to the rear; it was added later in the 1