Carey's Camp Meeting Ground

Carey's Camp was established in 1888 as a Methodist camp meeting near Millsboro, Sussex County, Delaware. Traditionally occupied for two weeks in August for prayer and religious instruction, the camp is composed of 47 wood cabins (called "tents") in an oval around a tabernacle. As with many such meeting grounds, the camp is located in a grove of oaks trees. The front-gabled cabins almost touch each other. Each cabin has a window in the gable and a porch on the front. The rear of the porch is entirely open to the interior of the house, so that the cabin's occupants could see and be seen from the center. An enclosed kitchen is in the back of the cabin. Sleeping rooms are located upstairs.

Carey's Camp Meeting Ground

Carey's Camp was established in 1888 as a Methodist camp meeting near Millsboro, Sussex County, Delaware. Traditionally occupied for two weeks in August for prayer and religious instruction, the camp is composed of 47 wood cabins (called "tents") in an oval around a tabernacle. As with many such meeting grounds, the camp is located in a grove of oaks trees. The front-gabled cabins almost touch each other. Each cabin has a window in the gable and a porch on the front. The rear of the porch is entirely open to the interior of the house, so that the cabin's occupants could see and be seen from the center. An enclosed kitchen is in the back of the cabin. Sleeping rooms are located upstairs.