Cassino Band of Northumbria Army Cadet Force

The Cassino Band of Northumbria Army Cadet Force is a Cadet-Youth Band. The band was formed in 2000, by George Morrison and Consisted of Cadets from various cadet detachment in Northumbria ACF's catchment area. As with all infantry bands, the Cassino Band takes its name from a battle honour. George chose the Battle of Monte Cassino as troops from all of the local regiments in the North East of England fought in it. It is in their name that band plays to this very day.

Cassino Band of Northumbria Army Cadet Force

The Cassino Band of Northumbria Army Cadet Force is a Cadet-Youth Band. The band was formed in 2000, by George Morrison and Consisted of Cadets from various cadet detachment in Northumbria ACF's catchment area. As with all infantry bands, the Cassino Band takes its name from a battle honour. George chose the Battle of Monte Cassino as troops from all of the local regiments in the North East of England fought in it. It is in their name that band plays to this very day.