Catholic Renewal

Catholic Renewal describes changes in the Roman Catholic Church in the 20th century, which can be classified in three major areas: (1) the approach towards the Bible (from Latin Vulgate to comprehensive translations of critical editions of texts in original languages), (2) liturgical practices (from the liturgy in Latin to Mass in the contemporary language with the active engagement of lay faithful) and (3) the role of faith in Christian life (from an at times very formal and legal approach towards the church to emphasis on the catechumenate and acknowledging individual need for the experience of Divinity).

Catholic Renewal

Catholic Renewal describes changes in the Roman Catholic Church in the 20th century, which can be classified in three major areas: (1) the approach towards the Bible (from Latin Vulgate to comprehensive translations of critical editions of texts in original languages), (2) liturgical practices (from the liturgy in Latin to Mass in the contemporary language with the active engagement of lay faithful) and (3) the role of faith in Christian life (from an at times very formal and legal approach towards the church to emphasis on the catechumenate and acknowledging individual need for the experience of Divinity).