Chance (film)

Chance is a 2002 film, the directing debut of actress Amber Benson (best known from her role as Tara Maclay on Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Benson directed, wrote, produced and starred in this film. Many of Benson's co-stars from Buffy, including co-star James Marsters (Spike), appeared in the film. It was estimated to cost $25,000. Benson's production company, Benson Entertainment, distributes the movie on DVD and video. * Running time: 75 Mins * Filming Dates: March–April 2001

Chance (film)

Chance is a 2002 film, the directing debut of actress Amber Benson (best known from her role as Tara Maclay on Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Benson directed, wrote, produced and starred in this film. Many of Benson's co-stars from Buffy, including co-star James Marsters (Spike), appeared in the film. It was estimated to cost $25,000. Benson's production company, Benson Entertainment, distributes the movie on DVD and video. * Running time: 75 Mins * Filming Dates: March–April 2001