Change Brazil

Brazil Can Do More (Portuguese: O Brasil pode mais), renamed Change Brazil (Portuguese: Muda Brasil) as of 2014, is a centrist electoral coalition in Brazil formed around the centre-left Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) for the 2010 presidential election. It is formed by six parties: PSDB, Democrats (DEM), Brazilian Labour Party (PTB), Socialist People's Party (PPS), Party of National Mobilization (PMN) and Labour Party of Brazil (PTdoB). Its presidential candidate is former São Paulo Governor José Serra from PSDB and the vice-presidential candidate is Rio de Janeiro federal deputy Indio da Costa from DEM.

Change Brazil

Brazil Can Do More (Portuguese: O Brasil pode mais), renamed Change Brazil (Portuguese: Muda Brasil) as of 2014, is a centrist electoral coalition in Brazil formed around the centre-left Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) for the 2010 presidential election. It is formed by six parties: PSDB, Democrats (DEM), Brazilian Labour Party (PTB), Socialist People's Party (PPS), Party of National Mobilization (PMN) and Labour Party of Brazil (PTdoB). Its presidential candidate is former São Paulo Governor José Serra from PSDB and the vice-presidential candidate is Rio de Janeiro federal deputy Indio da Costa from DEM.