Cheke's day gecko

Cheke's day gecko (Phelsuma abbotti chekei) is a day gecko that primarily eats insects and fruits. This species has been given several different scientific names: * Phelsuma abbotti chekei (Börner and Minuth 1984) * Phelsuma chekei Börner and Minuth 1984 * Phelsuma befotakensis Börner and Minuth 1982 (fide Meier and Böhme) * Phelsuma abbotti pulchra Rendahl 1939 (fide Meier 1982) * Phelsuma abbotti sumptio Cheke, 1982

Cheke's day gecko

Cheke's day gecko (Phelsuma abbotti chekei) is a day gecko that primarily eats insects and fruits. This species has been given several different scientific names: * Phelsuma abbotti chekei (Börner and Minuth 1984) * Phelsuma chekei Börner and Minuth 1984 * Phelsuma befotakensis Börner and Minuth 1982 (fide Meier and Böhme) * Phelsuma abbotti pulchra Rendahl 1939 (fide Meier 1982) * Phelsuma abbotti sumptio Cheke, 1982