Chelodina canni

Chelodina canni McCord & Thomson 2002, commonly known as Cann's snake-necked turtle, is an Australian species found in the northern and north eastern parts of the continent. It has a narrow zone of hybridization with its related species the eastern snake-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis. For many years this species was assumed to be the same species as Chelodina novaeguineae from New Guinea, however recently it has been shown that these two species differ both morphologically and genetically. Hence it was separated and described as a unique species in 2002.

Chelodina canni

Chelodina canni McCord & Thomson 2002, commonly known as Cann's snake-necked turtle, is an Australian species found in the northern and north eastern parts of the continent. It has a narrow zone of hybridization with its related species the eastern snake-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis. For many years this species was assumed to be the same species as Chelodina novaeguineae from New Guinea, however recently it has been shown that these two species differ both morphologically and genetically. Hence it was separated and described as a unique species in 2002.