Chester to Manchester Line

There are two Chester to Manchester Lines between the cities of Chester and Manchester in North West England. This article is about the line via Warrington Bank Quay. The other (slower) line is the Mid-Cheshire Line. There is currently one train per hour in each direction from Chester to Manchester, but from December 2017 there will be an additional train per hour in each direction, calling only at Chester, Warrington Bank Quay and Manchester Victoria.

Chester to Manchester Line

There are two Chester to Manchester Lines between the cities of Chester and Manchester in North West England. This article is about the line via Warrington Bank Quay. The other (slower) line is the Mid-Cheshire Line. There is currently one train per hour in each direction from Chester to Manchester, but from December 2017 there will be an additional train per hour in each direction, calling only at Chester, Warrington Bank Quay and Manchester Victoria.