Chinese theology

Chinese theology, which comes in different interpretations according to the canonical texts and the common religion, and specifically Confucian, Taoist and other philosophical formulations, is fundamentally monistic, that is to say it sees the world and the gods of its phenomena as an organic whole, or cosmos. [In contrast to the God of Western and Buddhist religions who is outside known space and time] the God of Fuxi, Xuanyuan and Wang Yangming is in our space and time. [...] To Chinese thought, ancestor is creator.

Chinese theology

Chinese theology, which comes in different interpretations according to the canonical texts and the common religion, and specifically Confucian, Taoist and other philosophical formulations, is fundamentally monistic, that is to say it sees the world and the gods of its phenomena as an organic whole, or cosmos. [In contrast to the God of Western and Buddhist religions who is outside known space and time] the God of Fuxi, Xuanyuan and Wang Yangming is in our space and time. [...] To Chinese thought, ancestor is creator.