Christopher Whall works in Gloucester Cathedral

(Main article: Christopher Whall) Christopher Whall works in Gloucester Cathedral is a narrative list of works that Christopher Whall executed for Gloucester Cathedral. "Christopher Whall's windows in Gloucester Lady Chapel are arguably the finest post-medieval stained glass in any of our cathedrals, and, with the possible exception of the unexecuted Christchurch Priory designs, his finest large scale work"— From William Morris Gallery catalogue

Christopher Whall works in Gloucester Cathedral

(Main article: Christopher Whall) Christopher Whall works in Gloucester Cathedral is a narrative list of works that Christopher Whall executed for Gloucester Cathedral. "Christopher Whall's windows in Gloucester Lady Chapel are arguably the finest post-medieval stained glass in any of our cathedrals, and, with the possible exception of the unexecuted Christchurch Priory designs, his finest large scale work"— From William Morris Gallery catalogue