Chrysomyxa ledicola

Chrysomyxa ledicola is a plant pathogen responsible for the disease Large-Spored Spruce-Labrador Tea Rust. It affects white spruce, black spruce, Sitka spruce, Englemann spruce, and Labrador-tea. It is also the cause of the orange goo that covered the Inupiat village of Kivalina, Alaska in the summer of 2011.

Chrysomyxa ledicola

Chrysomyxa ledicola is a plant pathogen responsible for the disease Large-Spored Spruce-Labrador Tea Rust. It affects white spruce, black spruce, Sitka spruce, Englemann spruce, and Labrador-tea. It is also the cause of the orange goo that covered the Inupiat village of Kivalina, Alaska in the summer of 2011.