Chrysomyxa weirii

Chrysomyxa weirii, commonly known as Weir’s cushion rust, is a disease of spruce trees. It is mostly a cosmetic problem, causing yellowish spotting and banding on spruce needles, but in some cases can cause severe premature defoliation. Weir’s cushion rust can also disfigure and reduce growth of spruce trees by targeting the tender needles of newly emerging shoots. This disease is spread by wind and water splash and can further infect the spruce it currently resides on, or a neighboring spruce. Unlike other rust diseases, C. weirii is autoecious, only infecting spruce trees. C. weirii is also microcyclic, producing only two of the five possible spore stages common in rust fungi. Trees affected by Weir’s cushion rust usually have obvious symptoms, but if treated correctly, the disease can b

Chrysomyxa weirii

Chrysomyxa weirii, commonly known as Weir’s cushion rust, is a disease of spruce trees. It is mostly a cosmetic problem, causing yellowish spotting and banding on spruce needles, but in some cases can cause severe premature defoliation. Weir’s cushion rust can also disfigure and reduce growth of spruce trees by targeting the tender needles of newly emerging shoots. This disease is spread by wind and water splash and can further infect the spruce it currently resides on, or a neighboring spruce. Unlike other rust diseases, C. weirii is autoecious, only infecting spruce trees. C. weirii is also microcyclic, producing only two of the five possible spore stages common in rust fungi. Trees affected by Weir’s cushion rust usually have obvious symptoms, but if treated correctly, the disease can b