Cis-regulatory module

Cis-regulatory module (CRM) is a stretch of DNA, usually 100-1000 DNA base pairs in length, where a number of transcription factors can bind and regulate expression of nearby genes and regulate their transcription rates. They are labeled as cis because they are typically located on the same DNA strand as the genes they control as opposed to trans, which refers to effects on genes not located on the same strand or farther away, such as transcription factors. One cis-regulatory element can regulate several genes, and conversely, one gene can have several cis-regulatory modules.Cis-regulatory modules carry out their function by integrating the active transcription factors and the associated co-factors at a specific time and place in the cell where this information is read and an output is giv

Cis-regulatory module

Cis-regulatory module (CRM) is a stretch of DNA, usually 100-1000 DNA base pairs in length, where a number of transcription factors can bind and regulate expression of nearby genes and regulate their transcription rates. They are labeled as cis because they are typically located on the same DNA strand as the genes they control as opposed to trans, which refers to effects on genes not located on the same strand or farther away, such as transcription factors. One cis-regulatory element can regulate several genes, and conversely, one gene can have several cis-regulatory modules.Cis-regulatory modules carry out their function by integrating the active transcription factors and the associated co-factors at a specific time and place in the cell where this information is read and an output is giv