
The ClanDestine (also known simply as ClanDestine) is a superhero comic book series created by writer/artist Alan Davis and published by Marvel Comics. The series stars the Destines, a secret family of long-lived, British superhuman beings, who first appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #158 (July 1994). The name "ClanDestine" is used primarily as the title of the series in which the family stars, and is not generally used by the characters.


The ClanDestine (also known simply as ClanDestine) is a superhero comic book series created by writer/artist Alan Davis and published by Marvel Comics. The series stars the Destines, a secret family of long-lived, British superhuman beings, who first appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #158 (July 1994). The name "ClanDestine" is used primarily as the title of the series in which the family stars, and is not generally used by the characters.