Claytonia caroliniana

Claytonia caroliniana, the Carolina springbeauty, is an herbaceous perennial in the family Montiaceae. It was formerly placed in the Portulacaceae. Its native range is eastern and central North America from Newfoundland west to Ontario, Minnesota, and the Ozarks and south as far as northern Alabama. Claytonia caroliniana is a perennial herb producing spherical underground tubers. Its flowers are white or pink, sometimes with the two colors together in stripes. The tubers are edible.

Claytonia caroliniana

Claytonia caroliniana, the Carolina springbeauty, is an herbaceous perennial in the family Montiaceae. It was formerly placed in the Portulacaceae. Its native range is eastern and central North America from Newfoundland west to Ontario, Minnesota, and the Ozarks and south as far as northern Alabama. Claytonia caroliniana is a perennial herb producing spherical underground tubers. Its flowers are white or pink, sometimes with the two colors together in stripes. The tubers are edible.