
Clorophilla: Soul, Nature and Bikes is a mountain-biking film released in 2006 and entirely filmed in Abruzzo, Italy. Unlike other freeride mountain-biking movies, where several stars and world-level champions are gathered by a producer, Clorophilla was born from the passion of a group of six friends, who started filming their freeride experiences. After five years and the release of a custom made preview, the Opachee Team eventually met the interest of an international level producer, Magmatic Studios was born, and the film was refined and completed.The world premier was held on June, 23rd 2006 at Massimo Cinema, in L'Aquila, Abruzzo, and was acclaimed by 450 peopleThe USA premier was held June 30, 2006, at Red Bull Elevation, the BMX dirt jump competition held in Whistler, Canada.The UK


Clorophilla: Soul, Nature and Bikes is a mountain-biking film released in 2006 and entirely filmed in Abruzzo, Italy. Unlike other freeride mountain-biking movies, where several stars and world-level champions are gathered by a producer, Clorophilla was born from the passion of a group of six friends, who started filming their freeride experiences. After five years and the release of a custom made preview, the Opachee Team eventually met the interest of an international level producer, Magmatic Studios was born, and the film was refined and completed.The world premier was held on June, 23rd 2006 at Massimo Cinema, in L'Aquila, Abruzzo, and was acclaimed by 450 peopleThe USA premier was held June 30, 2006, at Red Bull Elevation, the BMX dirt jump competition held in Whistler, Canada.The UK