Clusone Trio

Clusone Trio, also known as Trio Clusone or Clusone 3, was a Dutch musical group active from the late 1980s to the late '90s, composed of saxophonist/clarinetist Michael Moore, cellist Ernst Reijseger and drummer Han Bennink. Initially planned to be a one-time collaboration for an early 1980s jazz festival in Clusone, Italy, the trio became a regular group by the end of that decade. Clusone Trio released six albums, the first two on Moore's small independent label before recording for larger labels like Grammavision or HatArt.

Clusone Trio

Clusone Trio, also known as Trio Clusone or Clusone 3, was a Dutch musical group active from the late 1980s to the late '90s, composed of saxophonist/clarinetist Michael Moore, cellist Ernst Reijseger and drummer Han Bennink. Initially planned to be a one-time collaboration for an early 1980s jazz festival in Clusone, Italy, the trio became a regular group by the end of that decade. Clusone Trio released six albums, the first two on Moore's small independent label before recording for larger labels like Grammavision or HatArt.