Coal Digger

"Coal Digger" is the fifth episode of the American family sitcom, Modern Family. It premiered on American Broadcasting Company in the United States on October 21, 2009. The episode was written by co-creator and executive producer of Modern Family, Christopher Lloyd and directed by series main director, Jason Winer. "Coal Digger" received positive reviews from critics and was named in the top 100 best television episodes of 2009 by BuddyTV. It received a 3.4/9 in the 18-49 demographic according to Nielsen Media Research.

Coal Digger

"Coal Digger" is the fifth episode of the American family sitcom, Modern Family. It premiered on American Broadcasting Company in the United States on October 21, 2009. The episode was written by co-creator and executive producer of Modern Family, Christopher Lloyd and directed by series main director, Jason Winer. "Coal Digger" received positive reviews from critics and was named in the top 100 best television episodes of 2009 by BuddyTV. It received a 3.4/9 in the 18-49 demographic according to Nielsen Media Research.