Comodo SSL

Comodo SSL is a line of internet security certificates of the Comodo Group's certificate authority (CA). An SSL certificate is required to use the Secured Socket Layer protocol, which creates a secure and encrypted connection on the Internet. Comodo's certificate profile includes Organization Validation (OV) certificates, Domain Validation (DV) certificates, Extended Validation Certificate (EV SSL) certificates, Multi-Domain certificates, Unified Communications certificates, email certificates and code signing certificates. Comodo CA undergoes an annual WebTrust audit by Ernst & Young.

Comodo SSL

Comodo SSL is a line of internet security certificates of the Comodo Group's certificate authority (CA). An SSL certificate is required to use the Secured Socket Layer protocol, which creates a secure and encrypted connection on the Internet. Comodo's certificate profile includes Organization Validation (OV) certificates, Domain Validation (DV) certificates, Extended Validation Certificate (EV SSL) certificates, Multi-Domain certificates, Unified Communications certificates, email certificates and code signing certificates. Comodo CA undergoes an annual WebTrust audit by Ernst & Young.