Conscription in Mexico

Military Service in Mexico (in Spanish, Servicio Militar Nacional, or SMN) currently involves all males reaching the age of eighteen years. Selection is made by a lottery system using the following color scheme: those who draw a black ball must serve as "availability reservists", that is, they are not required to perform any activities whatsoever and will receive their discharge card at the end of the year. In 2003, President Vicente Fox Quesada reformed the law to allow for voluntary Military Service to be performed by females of military age.

Conscription in Mexico

Military Service in Mexico (in Spanish, Servicio Militar Nacional, or SMN) currently involves all males reaching the age of eighteen years. Selection is made by a lottery system using the following color scheme: those who draw a black ball must serve as "availability reservists", that is, they are not required to perform any activities whatsoever and will receive their discharge card at the end of the year. In 2003, President Vicente Fox Quesada reformed the law to allow for voluntary Military Service to be performed by females of military age.