Consider Tiffany

Consider Tiffany (March 15, 1732 - June 19, 1796) was a British loyalist, storekeeper, and sergeant during the French and Indian War. He is described in the book The Tiffanys of America by Nelson Otis Tiffany: “in addition to making his living as a storekeeper and a farmer, was a brave soldier, good churchman, a writer of prose and poetry, and astronomer.” To date, his journal is the only firsthand account written of Nathan Hale's capture during the American Revolution.

Consider Tiffany

Consider Tiffany (March 15, 1732 - June 19, 1796) was a British loyalist, storekeeper, and sergeant during the French and Indian War. He is described in the book The Tiffanys of America by Nelson Otis Tiffany: “in addition to making his living as a storekeeper and a farmer, was a brave soldier, good churchman, a writer of prose and poetry, and astronomer.” To date, his journal is the only firsthand account written of Nathan Hale's capture during the American Revolution.