Cota tinctoria

Cota tinctoria, the golden marguerite, yellow chamomile, or oxeye chamomile, is a species of perennial flowering plant in the sunflower family. Other common names include "dyer's chamomile", "Boston daisy", "Paris daisy". In horticulture this plant is still widely referred to by its synonym Anthemis tinctoria. It has yellow daisy-like terminal flower heads on long thin angular stems, blooming in profusion during the summer. It has no culinary or commercial uses and only limited medicinal uses. However, it produces excellent yellow, buff and golden-orange dyes, used in the past for fabrics.

Cota tinctoria

Cota tinctoria, the golden marguerite, yellow chamomile, or oxeye chamomile, is a species of perennial flowering plant in the sunflower family. Other common names include "dyer's chamomile", "Boston daisy", "Paris daisy". In horticulture this plant is still widely referred to by its synonym Anthemis tinctoria. It has yellow daisy-like terminal flower heads on long thin angular stems, blooming in profusion during the summer. It has no culinary or commercial uses and only limited medicinal uses. However, it produces excellent yellow, buff and golden-orange dyes, used in the past for fabrics.