Crédit Lyonnais headquarters

Credit Lyonnais headquarters is located in ParisCredit Lyonnais headquartersCredit Lyonnais headquarters The Crédit Lyonnais headquarters (the headquarters of the French bank Crédit Lyonnais, now LCL) is a Haussmannian style building in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris. It is located on the block formed by the Boulevard des Italiens, the rue de Gramont, the rue du Quatre-Septembre and the rue de Choiseul.

Crédit Lyonnais headquarters

Credit Lyonnais headquarters is located in ParisCredit Lyonnais headquartersCredit Lyonnais headquarters The Crédit Lyonnais headquarters (the headquarters of the French bank Crédit Lyonnais, now LCL) is a Haussmannian style building in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris. It is located on the block formed by the Boulevard des Italiens, the rue de Gramont, the rue du Quatre-Septembre and the rue de Choiseul.