Crimean speech of Vladimir Putin

Crimean speech of President Vladimir Putin refers to a speech by the Russian president Vladimir Putin's on March 18, 2014 to both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in connection with the request for admission by the Crimean parliament of the republic in the Russian Federation. He spoke in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin. In the same place, Putin delivered another speech on December 4, 2014 that also picked out the Crimea as a central theme.

Crimean speech of Vladimir Putin

Crimean speech of President Vladimir Putin refers to a speech by the Russian president Vladimir Putin's on March 18, 2014 to both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in connection with the request for admission by the Crimean parliament of the republic in the Russian Federation. He spoke in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin. In the same place, Putin delivered another speech on December 4, 2014 that also picked out the Crimea as a central theme.