Cuneus Frisionum

Cuneus Frisionum or Frisiorum cuneus are the names of units of Frisian auxiliaries in the Roman army. Two memorial stones in Housesteads, Hexham, England mention the name. They were engraved by Frisian soldiers from Twente (Tvihanti) in the 3rd century between 222 and 235, and are dedicated to Mars Thingsus. They were discovered in 1883. One is from a pillar shaped altar and the other from a smaller altar; they are engraved in pretty badly written Latin: DEO MARTI ET DVABVS ALAISIAGIS ET N AVG GER CIVES TVIHANTI CVNEI FRISIORVM VER SER ALEXANDRIANI VOTVM SOLVERVNT LIBENTES M and:

Cuneus Frisionum

Cuneus Frisionum or Frisiorum cuneus are the names of units of Frisian auxiliaries in the Roman army. Two memorial stones in Housesteads, Hexham, England mention the name. They were engraved by Frisian soldiers from Twente (Tvihanti) in the 3rd century between 222 and 235, and are dedicated to Mars Thingsus. They were discovered in 1883. One is from a pillar shaped altar and the other from a smaller altar; they are engraved in pretty badly written Latin: DEO MARTI ET DVABVS ALAISIAGIS ET N AVG GER CIVES TVIHANTI CVNEI FRISIORVM VER SER ALEXANDRIANI VOTVM SOLVERVNT LIBENTES M and: