Cyprus mutiny

The Mutiny of the Cyprus took place in 1829. Convicts seized the brig Cyprus and put officers, soldiers and convicts who did not join in the mutiny ashore. They were saved by a convict called Popjoy who constructed a makeshift boat and sailed to Partridge Island with Carew, where they got help. The mutineers made it to Canton, China, where they were captured and taken to London. While in England they were identified by Popjoy. The incident was fictionalised in For the Term of His Natural Life.

Cyprus mutiny

The Mutiny of the Cyprus took place in 1829. Convicts seized the brig Cyprus and put officers, soldiers and convicts who did not join in the mutiny ashore. They were saved by a convict called Popjoy who constructed a makeshift boat and sailed to Partridge Island with Carew, where they got help. The mutineers made it to Canton, China, where they were captured and taken to London. While in England they were identified by Popjoy. The incident was fictionalised in For the Term of His Natural Life.