Dakar–Niger Railway

The Dakar–Niger Railway connects Dakar, (Senegal) to Koulikoro, (Mali). The name refers to the Niger River, not the Republic of Niger. It serves many cities in Senegal (including Thiès) and Mali (including Kayes, Kita, Kati, Bamako). The line covers a course of 1,287 km of which 641 km lies in Mali. The line is managed by the Transrail consortium.

Dakar–Niger Railway

The Dakar–Niger Railway connects Dakar, (Senegal) to Koulikoro, (Mali). The name refers to the Niger River, not the Republic of Niger. It serves many cities in Senegal (including Thiès) and Mali (including Kayes, Kita, Kati, Bamako). The line covers a course of 1,287 km of which 641 km lies in Mali. The line is managed by the Transrail consortium.