Daley's Ferry Post

Daley's Ferry Post was a California Volunteer post at the Daley's Ferry crossing of the Mad River nearly three miles from the town of Arcata in Humboldt County. It was established by the following order to Captain E. B. Gibbs, Company E, 2nd California Infantry Regiment at Camp Curtis likely in response to an attack on the Ferry in June 1862: Headquarters Humboldt Military District, Fort Humboldt, June 8, 1862. I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedient servant, Jas. N. Olney, Lieutenant Colonel Second Infty. Colonel Vols., Commanding Humboldt Mil. Dist. Major R. C. Drum, U. S. Army,

Daley's Ferry Post

Daley's Ferry Post was a California Volunteer post at the Daley's Ferry crossing of the Mad River nearly three miles from the town of Arcata in Humboldt County. It was established by the following order to Captain E. B. Gibbs, Company E, 2nd California Infantry Regiment at Camp Curtis likely in response to an attack on the Ferry in June 1862: Headquarters Humboldt Military District, Fort Humboldt, June 8, 1862. I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedient servant, Jas. N. Olney, Lieutenant Colonel Second Infty. Colonel Vols., Commanding Humboldt Mil. Dist. Major R. C. Drum, U. S. Army,