Damköhler numbers

The Damköhler numbers (Da) are dimensionless numbers used in chemical engineering to relate the chemical reaction timescale (reaction rate) to the transport phenomena rate occurring in a system. It is named after German chemist Gerhard Damköhler. The Karlovitz number (Ka) is related to the Damköhler number by Da = 1/Ka. In its most commonly used form, the Damköhler number relates the reaction timescale to the convection time scale, flow rate, through the reactor for continuous (plug flow or stirred tank) or semibatch chemical processes: where: = mean residence time or space time where

Damköhler numbers

The Damköhler numbers (Da) are dimensionless numbers used in chemical engineering to relate the chemical reaction timescale (reaction rate) to the transport phenomena rate occurring in a system. It is named after German chemist Gerhard Damköhler. The Karlovitz number (Ka) is related to the Damköhler number by Da = 1/Ka. In its most commonly used form, the Damköhler number relates the reaction timescale to the convection time scale, flow rate, through the reactor for continuous (plug flow or stirred tank) or semibatch chemical processes: where: = mean residence time or space time where