Danish Defence Intelligence Service

The Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS) (Danish: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste, short FE (often but incorrectly: FET)), is a Danish intelligence agency, responsible for Denmark’s foreign intelligence, as well as being the Danish military intelligence service. DDIS is a department under the Ministry of Defence and works under the responsibility of the Defence Minister of Denmark. It is housed at Kastellet in Copenhagen.

Danish Defence Intelligence Service

The Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS) (Danish: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste, short FE (often but incorrectly: FET)), is a Danish intelligence agency, responsible for Denmark’s foreign intelligence, as well as being the Danish military intelligence service. DDIS is a department under the Ministry of Defence and works under the responsibility of the Defence Minister of Denmark. It is housed at Kastellet in Copenhagen.