Dawson McAllister Live

Dawson McAllister Live is a call-in talk radio show hosted by Dawson McAllister. The target audience is teenagers and young adults under 29. Issues discussed are determined by the callers, and include, dating relationships, friend and family relationships, substance abuse, loneliness, self-harm, divorce, depression, eating disorders and more. The radio show operates as a nonprofit, although it airs on commercial radio stations. along with noncommercial Christian radio stations. The program first aired in 1991 on Christian radio stations. In 2005, a CHR formatted version of the show was created and offered as a syndicated program to Top 40 stations. By mid-2007, syndication has grown to over 50 stations. On June 26, 2007, Premiere Radio Networks announced that they had signed the show to a

Dawson McAllister Live

Dawson McAllister Live is a call-in talk radio show hosted by Dawson McAllister. The target audience is teenagers and young adults under 29. Issues discussed are determined by the callers, and include, dating relationships, friend and family relationships, substance abuse, loneliness, self-harm, divorce, depression, eating disorders and more. The radio show operates as a nonprofit, although it airs on commercial radio stations. along with noncommercial Christian radio stations. The program first aired in 1991 on Christian radio stations. In 2005, a CHR formatted version of the show was created and offered as a syndicated program to Top 40 stations. By mid-2007, syndication has grown to over 50 stations. On June 26, 2007, Premiere Radio Networks announced that they had signed the show to a