Death Scream

Death Scream is a made-for-television film first aired in the United States on ABC on September 26, 1975. The film is loosely based on an actual event concerning the real-life account of "a young woman whose murder was witnessed by fifteen of her neighbors who did nothing to help and refused to cooperate with the police." The film had the working title of Homicide, and its rerun title was The Woman Who Cried Murder.

Death Scream

Death Scream is a made-for-television film first aired in the United States on ABC on September 26, 1975. The film is loosely based on an actual event concerning the real-life account of "a young woman whose murder was witnessed by fifteen of her neighbors who did nothing to help and refused to cooperate with the police." The film had the working title of Homicide, and its rerun title was The Woman Who Cried Murder.