
Degenia is a monotypic plant genus in the mustard family containing the single species Degenia velebitica (Croatian: velebitska degenija). The yellow-flowered plant is endemic to Velebit and Kapela mountain ranges, and has become a symbol of the region. Discovered by Dr. Àrpàd Degen on 17 July 1917, the Degenia velebitica is depicted on the reverse of the Croatian 50 lipa coin, minted since 1993.


Degenia is a monotypic plant genus in the mustard family containing the single species Degenia velebitica (Croatian: velebitska degenija). The yellow-flowered plant is endemic to Velebit and Kapela mountain ranges, and has become a symbol of the region. Discovered by Dr. Àrpàd Degen on 17 July 1917, the Degenia velebitica is depicted on the reverse of the Croatian 50 lipa coin, minted since 1993.