Demands of the Nation

The Demands of the Nation (Croatian: Zahtijevanja naroda) is the name for a political petition that was adopted on March 25, 1848 in Kingdom of Croatia. In its 30 points it contains principles and programs of the Croatian citizens, as well as national, state, legal, social and liberal seeks to change Croatian position within the Austrian Empire, and to change the state structure and social issues within Croatia. Demands of the Nation, which were read by Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski at a meeting of Grand National Assembly, were unanimously adopted in the National Home palace. Demands of the Nation were actually political program of the People's Party which had governed all Croatian counties since 1842. The session of the Grand National Assembly that was held on March 25, 1848, as a result of t

Demands of the Nation

The Demands of the Nation (Croatian: Zahtijevanja naroda) is the name for a political petition that was adopted on March 25, 1848 in Kingdom of Croatia. In its 30 points it contains principles and programs of the Croatian citizens, as well as national, state, legal, social and liberal seeks to change Croatian position within the Austrian Empire, and to change the state structure and social issues within Croatia. Demands of the Nation, which were read by Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski at a meeting of Grand National Assembly, were unanimously adopted in the National Home palace. Demands of the Nation were actually political program of the People's Party which had governed all Croatian counties since 1842. The session of the Grand National Assembly that was held on March 25, 1848, as a result of t