Demon Beast Invasion

Demon Beast Invasion (妖獣教室 Yōjū Kyōshitsu) is a manga series written and illustrated by Toshio Maeda, published by Wani Magazine. The series was adapted into a six-part original video animation of the same name in 1990, followed by Demon Beast Resurrection (妖獣教室外伝 Yōjū Kyōshitsu Gaiden) in 1995.

Demon Beast Invasion

Demon Beast Invasion (妖獣教室 Yōjū Kyōshitsu) is a manga series written and illustrated by Toshio Maeda, published by Wani Magazine. The series was adapted into a six-part original video animation of the same name in 1990, followed by Demon Beast Resurrection (妖獣教室外伝 Yōjū Kyōshitsu Gaiden) in 1995.