Dialog (magazine)

Dialog (Dialogue) is the only magazine in Poland which regularly publishes contemporary Polish and foreign plays. This is not to be confused with the quarterly magazine with the same name Dialog; which focuses on Polish-German relations. The magazine was founded in 1956 by Adam Tarn, a translator, playwright and journalist. The following editors of the magazine were, among others, Konstanty Puzyna and Jerzy Koenig. For over ten years, the magazine has been headed by Jacek Sieradzki. Dialog's task is to publish the newest Polish plays. The publisher of Dialog is the National Library of Poland.

Dialog (magazine)

Dialog (Dialogue) is the only magazine in Poland which regularly publishes contemporary Polish and foreign plays. This is not to be confused with the quarterly magazine with the same name Dialog; which focuses on Polish-German relations. The magazine was founded in 1956 by Adam Tarn, a translator, playwright and journalist. The following editors of the magazine were, among others, Konstanty Puzyna and Jerzy Koenig. For over ten years, the magazine has been headed by Jacek Sieradzki. Dialog's task is to publish the newest Polish plays. The publisher of Dialog is the National Library of Poland.