Dick Turpin (1925 film)

Dick Turpin is a 1925 American silent film and historical adventure directed by John G. Blystone produced and distributed by Fox Film Corporation and starring western hero Tom Mix. Mix departs from his usual western roles to play a British historical figure, the highwayman Dick Turpin(1705-1739). A young Carole Lombard was filmed in several scenes which mostly ended up on the cutting room floor. The picture survives with copies at George Eastman House, Cinemateket-Svenska filminstitutet(Stockholm) and two different versions at UCLA Film and Tv.

Dick Turpin (1925 film)

Dick Turpin is a 1925 American silent film and historical adventure directed by John G. Blystone produced and distributed by Fox Film Corporation and starring western hero Tom Mix. Mix departs from his usual western roles to play a British historical figure, the highwayman Dick Turpin(1705-1739). A young Carole Lombard was filmed in several scenes which mostly ended up on the cutting room floor. The picture survives with copies at George Eastman House, Cinemateket-Svenska filminstitutet(Stockholm) and two different versions at UCLA Film and Tv.