Digitalis obscura

Digitalis obscura is a flowering plant, commonly known as the Sunset Foxglove or Willow-leaved Foxglove. It is native to regions in Spain and Africa, but can be grown as an ornamental flower around the world. It is a perennial woody plant belonging to the family Plantaginaceae. (Along with the other foxgloves it used to be placed in the figwort family, Scrophulariaceae; however, recent genetic research has moved the genus Digitalis to a larger family.) The Sunset Foxglove is similar to many of the foxglove species in its high toxicity and medicinal use as a source for the heart-regulating drug digitalis. Its strikingly distinctive amber- to copper-colored flowers give the species its name and help distinguish it from other members of the genus.

Digitalis obscura

Digitalis obscura is a flowering plant, commonly known as the Sunset Foxglove or Willow-leaved Foxglove. It is native to regions in Spain and Africa, but can be grown as an ornamental flower around the world. It is a perennial woody plant belonging to the family Plantaginaceae. (Along with the other foxgloves it used to be placed in the figwort family, Scrophulariaceae; however, recent genetic research has moved the genus Digitalis to a larger family.) The Sunset Foxglove is similar to many of the foxglove species in its high toxicity and medicinal use as a source for the heart-regulating drug digitalis. Its strikingly distinctive amber- to copper-colored flowers give the species its name and help distinguish it from other members of the genus.