Dillenia retusa

Dillenia retusa is a plant endemic to island of Sri Lanka,There are records in Forests of Bolampatti and Anamalai hills.An ornamental, moderate- sized tree,twigs and peduncles glabrous.Leaves blunt at tip,cuneate at base,serrate,glabrous;Flowers 6–8 cm across,petals spathulate,narrow;Fruit enclosed by sepals.

Dillenia retusa

Dillenia retusa is a plant endemic to island of Sri Lanka,There are records in Forests of Bolampatti and Anamalai hills.An ornamental, moderate- sized tree,twigs and peduncles glabrous.Leaves blunt at tip,cuneate at base,serrate,glabrous;Flowers 6–8 cm across,petals spathulate,narrow;Fruit enclosed by sepals.