Distributed object

In distributed computing, distributed objects are objects (in the sense of object-oriented programming) that are distributed across different address spaces, either in multiple computers connected via a network or even in different processes on the same computer, but which work together by sharing data and invoking methods. This often involves location transparency, where remote objects appear the same as local objects. The main method of distributed object communication is with remote method invocation, generally by message-passing: one object sends a message to another object in a remote machine or process to perform some task. The results are sent back to the calling object.

Distributed object

In distributed computing, distributed objects are objects (in the sense of object-oriented programming) that are distributed across different address spaces, either in multiple computers connected via a network or even in different processes on the same computer, but which work together by sharing data and invoking methods. This often involves location transparency, where remote objects appear the same as local objects. The main method of distributed object communication is with remote method invocation, generally by message-passing: one object sends a message to another object in a remote machine or process to perform some task. The results are sent back to the calling object.