Dog's Dialogue

Dog's Dialogue (French: Colloque de chiens) is a 1977 French short crime film directed by Raúl Ruiz. The story, told entirely in still images, revolves around a young girl who is told her mother is not her real mother. The girl leaves her small town, grows into a beautiful woman, and starts searching for love and fulfillment in undesirable places. The story is narrated off screen, and the stills are intercut with video footage of a city landscape and dogs barking.

Dog's Dialogue

Dog's Dialogue (French: Colloque de chiens) is a 1977 French short crime film directed by Raúl Ruiz. The story, told entirely in still images, revolves around a young girl who is told her mother is not her real mother. The girl leaves her small town, grows into a beautiful woman, and starts searching for love and fulfillment in undesirable places. The story is narrated off screen, and the stills are intercut with video footage of a city landscape and dogs barking.