Down (film)

Down is a 2001 horror film written and directed by Dick Maas about a killer elevator, starring James Marshall and Naomi Watts. The film is also known as The Shaft, which is the name used for the United States DVD release. The film is a remake of the 1983 Dutch film De Lift (The Elevator), which was also directed by Maas. Watts plays the role of pushy journalist Jennifer Evans, and Marshall is Mark, an elevator repairman and former Marine. The movie was mainly filmed in the Netherlands, although the crew briefly visited New York City and the District of Columbia as well for exterior shots.

Down (film)

Down is a 2001 horror film written and directed by Dick Maas about a killer elevator, starring James Marshall and Naomi Watts. The film is also known as The Shaft, which is the name used for the United States DVD release. The film is a remake of the 1983 Dutch film De Lift (The Elevator), which was also directed by Maas. Watts plays the role of pushy journalist Jennifer Evans, and Marshall is Mark, an elevator repairman and former Marine. The movie was mainly filmed in the Netherlands, although the crew briefly visited New York City and the District of Columbia as well for exterior shots.