Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Norwegian: Drømmefall: Den lengste reisen) is an adventure video game developed by Funcom for Microsoft Windows and Xbox platforms on April 2006. On 1 March 2007, a sequel entitled Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey was announced, and Funcom reportedly considered the idea of a massively multiplayer online game set in the The Longest Journey universe.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Norwegian: Drømmefall: Den lengste reisen) is an adventure video game developed by Funcom for Microsoft Windows and Xbox platforms on April 2006. On 1 March 2007, a sequel entitled Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey was announced, and Funcom reportedly considered the idea of a massively multiplayer online game set in the The Longest Journey universe.