
Dromotropic derives from the Greek word "dromos", meaning running, a course, a race. A dromotropic agent is one which affects the conduction speed in the AV node, and subsequently the rate of electrical impulses in the heart. Agents that are dromotropic are often (but not always) inotropic and chronotropic. For instance, parasympathetic stimulation is usually negatively chronotrophic and dromotropic, but because the vagus nerve does not innervate ventricular myocardium has no effect on inotropy.


Dromotropic derives from the Greek word "dromos", meaning running, a course, a race. A dromotropic agent is one which affects the conduction speed in the AV node, and subsequently the rate of electrical impulses in the heart. Agents that are dromotropic are often (but not always) inotropic and chronotropic. For instance, parasympathetic stimulation is usually negatively chronotrophic and dromotropic, but because the vagus nerve does not innervate ventricular myocardium has no effect on inotropy.