Drops of God

The Drops of God (神の雫 Kami no Shizuku) is a Japanese manga series about wine. It is created and written by Tadashi Agi, a pseudonym employed by creative team of sister and brother Yuko and Shin Kibayashi, with artwork by Shu Okimoto. All the wines that appear in the comic are authentic. A live action television adaptation, also titled Kami no Shizuku, was broadcast by Nippon Television in January 2009.

Drops of God

The Drops of God (神の雫 Kami no Shizuku) is a Japanese manga series about wine. It is created and written by Tadashi Agi, a pseudonym employed by creative team of sister and brother Yuko and Shin Kibayashi, with artwork by Shu Okimoto. All the wines that appear in the comic are authentic. A live action television adaptation, also titled Kami no Shizuku, was broadcast by Nippon Television in January 2009.