Dyrlægens natmad

Dyrlægens natmad ("veterinarian's midnight snack") is the Danish name for a piece of smørrebrød, an open faced sandwich, upon which a particular selection of toppings are laid. The simplest form of Dyrlægens natmad consists of a slice of rugbrød with a base spread of butter or fat, a layer of leverpostej and sliced salt beef, aspic and red onion rings on top.

Dyrlægens natmad

Dyrlægens natmad ("veterinarian's midnight snack") is the Danish name for a piece of smørrebrød, an open faced sandwich, upon which a particular selection of toppings are laid. The simplest form of Dyrlægens natmad consists of a slice of rugbrød with a base spread of butter or fat, a layer of leverpostej and sliced salt beef, aspic and red onion rings on top.