East African rupee

The rupee was the currency of Britain's East African colonies and protectorates between 1906 and 1920. It was divided into 100 cents. The rupee replaced the Indian rupee, which had previously circulated. In 1920, the rupee was revalued against sterling to a peg of 1 rupee = 2 shillings (1 florin). In East Africa, this was followed in the same year by the replacement of the rupee with the East African florin at par. The currency is noteworthy for including the world's first aluminium coin, the 1907 1 cent.

East African rupee

The rupee was the currency of Britain's East African colonies and protectorates between 1906 and 1920. It was divided into 100 cents. The rupee replaced the Indian rupee, which had previously circulated. In 1920, the rupee was revalued against sterling to a peg of 1 rupee = 2 shillings (1 florin). In East Africa, this was followed in the same year by the replacement of the rupee with the East African florin at par. The currency is noteworthy for including the world's first aluminium coin, the 1907 1 cent.